Sunday, April 30, 2017

Humanity has reached peak idiocy… what happens when the idiocy bubble bursts?

It has now become abundantly obvious to all thinking people that humanity has reached “peak idiocy.” This cognitive bubble of idiocy is reflected across all the following suicidal, destructive things that humanity does to itself in the name of power or profit:
  • The ramping up toward nuclear war with Russia and China. “[T]he insane, crazed monsters who rule over the West in Washington are bringing life on earth to an end,” explains Paul Craig Roberts.
  • The mass poisoning of the human food supply with cancer-causing glyphosate weed killer (herbicide).
  • The mindless pursuit of AI technology with no regard for what happens when AI systems decide humans are no longer needed.
  • The mass injection of children and expectant mothers with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal formulated into flu shots.
  • The total government lunacy of giving poor people food stamp money so they can buy processed junk food that causes cancer, diabetes and heart disease. (Food stamps should be limited to nutritious foods, not junk foods.)
  • The devolution of the mainstream media into fake news distractions and fictional theories to occupy the minds of the gullible masses.
  • The mass psychiatric medication of children and adults with mind-altering chemicals.
  • The mass surveillance of the population by a totalitarian police state government that respects no rights, no laws and no privacy of its citizens.
  • The total abandonment of logic and reason by the intolerant, irrational Left and its pursuit of “identity politics” above all else.
  • The chemical suicide of humanity supported by the political Right, which has never met a profitable chemical it didn’t like.
  • The widespread poisoning of public water supplies with brain-damaging fluoride.
  • The economic insanity of running societies on unsustainable debt while pretending that debts don’t matter.
  • The medical lunacy of a world which goes out of its way to suppress knowledge of natural, botanical remedies while pushing for the mass poisoning of the entire population with high-profit pharmaceutic chemicals that only make people more sick and diseased.
  • The lunacy of the nuclear power industry which subjects all humanity to “global killer” nuclear meltdown risks due to the laws of physics (and poor power plant design).
  • The ridiculous belief that pension and retirement funds — including social security — will be able to pay out all their obligations without going bankrupt.
  • A public education system that refuses to teach children how to think for themselves and instead functions as an indoctrination system that demands obedience and conformity above all else.
  • The runaway stupidity of those who are piling money into overvalued tech stocks in the current stock market bubble, oblivious to P/E ratios, the history of market bubbles and why all financial bubbles come to an end.
  • The magical thinking of “scientists” who have created a mindless climate change cult of obedient zombies through a determined program of mass hypnosis of the population, which now hallucinates “climate change” causes behind every flood, drought, tornado or hurricane.
  • The idiocy of betting the entire sustainability of modern civilization on a power grid that will be taken out by space weather (Coronal Mass Ejection) events which NASA predicts will occur at about a 12% chance every decade.
  • The social structure of living in cities which are designed as “death traps” with no sustainable sources of food or water in the event of a catastrophic collapse.
I could go on, obviously. “Peak idiocy” has now achieved never-before-witnessed levels of irrationality, delusion, magical thinking and denial in every sector of society. There isn’t a single thing in society today that isn’t touched by peak idiocy: Government, education, finance, food, medicine, science, history, housing, mental health and so on.

Idiocy is spreading, disguised as political correctness

It’s not hard to find examples of what happens when peak idiocy takes hold in a given nation, driving its citizens to irrationality and delusion. America is right now perched on that tipping point, where the nation could easily fall into an unstoppable, self-reinforcing cycle of runaway idiocy on the political spectrum, eventually descending into something a lot like China’s “Cultural Revolution” which mass murdered intellectuals and established that nation’s current communist regime (complete with mandatory organ harvesting, imprisoning those who speak of political dissent, and blocking all websites the government doesn’t like).
Socialist Venezuela is a prime example of peak idiocy run amok. There, the population voted for exactly the idiot leadership they got: A mindless, moronic tyrant named Maduro who sits atop one of the world’s largest oil reserves but still can’t figure out how to enable his own people to not starve to death. Venezuela’s temperate climate allows abundant food production, yet the people there are digging through dumpsters in a desperate bid to stay alive. How can this be?
The answer is that Venezuela has reached its own “peak idiocy” rooted in Left-wing socialist delusions about economics, liberty and private property. When the Left takes hold of anything, it quickly destroys it, leaving behind a wake of human suffering, violence and death. Today’s Venezuela is tomorrow’s America is we don’t stop the delusional Left at every opportunity.
North Korea is another example of peak idiocy on parade. Under the iron fist of Kim Jong-Un, a sociopathic cult leader who has carried on his father’s tradition of demanding he be worshiped by his cult followers (i.e. Nork citizens), Kim Jong-Un has maintained political power by cutting off North Korea from the outside world and making his followers believe their misery is all America’s fault. Notably, North Koreans must adhere to the same kind of censorship, politically correct speech and delusional thinking that you now find spreading like a pandemic across California’s universities (like Berkeley).
America’s peak idiocy is found in the suicidal failures of the country to protect its own borders, its inability to limit voting rights to legal citizens, Obama’s transformation of the U.S. military into a transgender social experiment, the government’s runaway debt spending and the astonishing inability of the Republican majority in power to stand up for any principle whatsoever. The nation seems to be run by the mindless memes of a deliberately anti-American corporate media that’s deliberately pushing for a kind of Cultural Revolution overthrow of the government (and a nationwide descent into communist rule). This, of course, is parlayed as “tolerance.”
In all these cases, idiocy has been accelerated by the rush toward political correctness and so-called “tolerance” (which really means intolerance and the mass murder of those who do not conform to Leftist views). All the signs are already evident that America is careening toward the same outcome as China, North Korea or Venezuela, especially among Leftist student cultists who are just itching for a civil war so they can shoot and murder as many non-conformists as possible. Read up at this SHTFplan.article: There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

What happens when the peak idiocy bubble bursts?

When “peak idiocy” is achieved by a critical mass of nations and leaders, insane things start to happen. Sadly, those “insane things” right now include the realm of nuclear weapons capable of obliterating tens of millions of people in a flash. Paul Craig Roberts sums it up nicely when it says:
The chances are high that life on earth is approaching its end. The responsibility lies heavily on the American people, whose success, due to the mistakes of others, made Americans think that they are exceptional and privileged. Unaware of the inhumane threat to all life that is embodied in the neoconservative claim that Americans are exceptional and indispensable, the self-satisfied American public is unaware of the consequences of such hubris. Hubris is leading them, and the entire world, to slaughter in thermo-nuclear war.
Roberts, by the way, is one of the most rational and level-headed people who has ever served in Washington. A former official under the Reagan administration, Roberts remembers a time when leaders in Washington behaved with rationality instead of runaway hubris and insanity. Those days, sadly, are long gone. Today, Roberts is vilified by the same mainstream media that attacks, defames and slanders any person who utters a single rational thought rooted in reality rather than delusion. In a world of deception, telling the truth has truly become a revolutionary act.

Conclusion: Peak idiocy leads to apocalyptic outcomes

We are all now living under the rule of truly delusional governments and dangerous, monopolistic corporate monstrosities such as Google, Facebook and Amazon.
Many governments of the world are right now on the verge of being overrun by their own people who are finally waking up to the utter failure of government idiocy. Everywhere you look, governments are precariously situated on the edge of the abyss: Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, the United States, Greece, Italy, France, Britain, Syria, Russia, North Korea, China and even Japan in some ways. Every one of these governments is just one critical event away from losing its grip — most likely through financial collapse — and being overthrown by its own angry, starving, impoverished populations who have been incessantly exploited, abused and lied to by corrupt government. Even Canada is about to undergo a brutal real estate bubble crash that will send many urban-dwelling Canadians into fits of anger and protest.
Governments are, almost by definition, incompetent organizations rooted in the desire for self preservation. This tells you that when they begin to lose control, they will start as many wars as necessary to try to maintain power.
International WAR is the ultimate demand mandate for domestic obedience. When governments begin to lose control, they ignite wars in order to keep their own people in line. This is “peak idiocy” achieving its full, glorious potential, where the mass destruction of entire foreign cities is deemed a necessary strategy for incompetent, corrupt government institutions to maintain power over their domestic populations.
We have now reached that point in human history. There is no walking this back, either, because the people of the world are increasingly coming to recognize that governments no longer serve the needs of human societies. The very idea of a centralized government, in other words, is becoming increasingly obsolete.
This is when large, national governments are the most dangerous: When they are approaching the possibility of their own extinction or abandonment. It is at this moment that we now face the greatest risk for the peak idiocy phenomenon to explode into a global suicide pact of nuclear exchange from which no nation can possibly emerge without severe damage to life, infrastructure, crop soils and the environment.

All national governments are insane… the very structure of centralized government is a grave threat to humanity

In other words, Kim Jong-Un isn’t the only insane leader on this planet. ALL governments are insane. ALL governments are suicidal. ALL governments are willing to murder tens of millions of innocent people if that’s what is necessary to stay in power.
We the People now watch in bewilderment as our world spirals out of control, with widespread extinction at the hands of incompetent government colliding with the mass mental conformity and delusional thinking demanded by the intolerant, insane Left. This cannot end well. This will not end in peace, humility, compassion and love for thy neighbor. It is vastly more likely to end in war, destruction, suffering, violence and the rise of totalitarian governments worldwide.
When peak idiocy has run its course, let us hope that whomever survives does not repeat the critical mistake in believing that centralized, tyrannical governments run by power-hungry, incompetent conformists can ever serve the interests of humanity. The real future belongs in the radical decentralization of all political power to the most “local” level possible. Only then can human civilization hope to live in anything resembling peace, sanity and sustainability.

Vaccine industry goes “nuclear” in push for new law that would deny you YOUR JOB if you aren’t vaccinated

North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, a Republican, has introduced new legislation that, taken to its logical end, might eventually provision for employers to force their employees to be vaccinated under the guise of “wellness.”
House Resolution 1313, known as the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act,” contains certain provisions for “disease prevention” that, should employees refuse them, might end up costing them their jobs. That, or employees could face penalties in the form of ostracization or even higher insurance rates.
Based on the legislation’s open-ended language, employees could one day be refused the option of rejecting whatever their employers decide is appropriate for wellness and disease prevention, including government-recommended vaccines.
While an employee could petition his or her employer for a “reasonable alternative standard,” according to the bill, the Public Health Service Act is what actually defines this terminology — and this legal definition leaves wide open the possibility for employers to force their employees to abide by vaccination requirements set forth by the government.
“The concern is this bill if passed into law would be applied to penalize employees who do not get regular vaccines imposed by an employee wellness plan,” warns Health Impact News.
You can read the full text of H.R. 1313 at

Obamacare threatens penalties, higher insurance premiums for employees who refuse ‘disease prevention’ vaccinations

Despite being the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Foxx isn’t necessarily its brainchild. Where the tricky language in H.R. 1313 actually stems from is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. In it, provisions for implementing employer health promotion and prevention programs are outlined in further detail, as are the potential penalties for failing to abide by them.
As explained by Health Impact News, employer health promotion and prevention programs can already provide incentives and rewards for employee compliance, as well as “surcharges” and “penalties” for non-compliance. What are these penalties, you might be asking yourself? Higher insurance premiums, for one.
According to the text of H.R. 1313, employees who abide by their employers’ wellness guidelines, which may include compulsory vaccinations, can be awarded up to 50 percent off their insurance premiums. Employees who do not abide by these wellness guidelines, on the other hand, could end up paying 50 percent more than their vaccinated co-workers.
“H.R. 1313 is indeed a threat to anyone employed by a company or large organization that offers a ‘wellness’ program and partners with government and Pharma to ‘give carrots and apply sticks’ to employees who do or do not go along with government endorsed ‘standard of care,’ which includes receipt of federally recommended vaccines, whether the language in this bill says the word ‘vaccine’ or not,” warns the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC).
NVIC is urging the public to contact their congressional representatives and two state senators to voice opposition to H.R. 1313. No employee should be forced to take vaccines in exchange for lowered healthcare premiums or other company perks, health freedom experts warn. This is medical discrimination at its most damning, and it can’t be allowed to become the standard.
You can also contact Rep. Virginia Foxx and let her know how you feel about this bill. Remember to be polite but firm in your opposition, explaining to her your concerns about where this bill could lead as an affront to health freedom.

Why you must DEMAND made-in-the-USA dental crowns from your dentist

When we go to the dentist to repair or replace missing or cracked teeth, we usually don’t ask questions about what they put in our mouths. Because of this, tens of thousands of Americans could have dental fixtures in their mouths that contain toxic chemicals.
These metal and ceramic inserts, bought on the cheap, are imported from China and other Asian countries. According to dental experts, these cheaper products are often made in unregulated laboratories and can contain dangerous levels of lead and other chemicals — such as beryllium and cadmium — that could harm the human nervous system.
Due to their low price and quick service, many American dentists now favor these Chinese, toxic dental fixtures without passing the savings to the client. U.S. dentists have admitted using Chinese labs that charge about one-fifth of what local labs typically charge. As reported by the Daily Mail Online, dentists can take an impression of a client’s tooth, send it by express mail to China and receive a crown within four days.
“In the end, the whole system is profiteering. Any savings made by outsourcing the work to China are never passed on to the patient,” said David Smith, a board member of the Association of Dental Laboratories.

Lead poisoning linked to Chinese dental fixtures

Given China’s notoriety for cheap, fake, and toxic food and building materials, it doesn’t come as a big surprise that their dental fixtures can’t be trusted either.
At least four known cases of lead poisoning caused by Chinese dental fixtures have been reported in the United States. When these fixtures were tested in a laboratory, data revealed that some of them contained 210 times the acceptable amount of the heavy metal.
The toxic dental practice came to light when a 73-year-old Ohio woman became sick after a U.S. dentist installed a dental crown made in China. When the crown, among other crowns from Chinese labs, were tested, lead concentrations of nearly 500 parts per million were found. This is five times more lead than the limit set for toys sold in America.
While it is easy to pull lead-tainted toys off the shelves when a problem arises, it’s nowhere near as easy if the contaminated product is a dental fixture in someone’s mouth, noted David Smith.
Once inhaled or ingested, lead can harm the body in several ways. Symptoms of lead poisoning include high blood pressure, abdominal pain, headaches, memory loss, mood disorders, infertility, miscarriages, mental decline, and joint or muscles pain.

China’s quality control leaves something to be desired

Though the import of medical devices is strictly regulated, the supply of dental components is harder to control. While they all should carry a safety mark, it is often hard to check if the manufacturer used safe materials. Unlike the loose safety standards in China, laboratories in Europe or the U.S. get routine, unannounced inspections. They must follow strict laws to make sure crowns, bridges, and dentures are safe and toxin-free.
For the sake of your health, the next time you visit your dentist, be sure to ask where that set of dentures, bridges, or crowns came from. If your dental office offers steep discounts on dental work, chances are high the fixtures are imported from China.
Know that as a customer, you have the right to inquire about where dental materials have been made. If your dentist tries to dodge the question or he doesn’t want to give you a straight answer, then find another dentist who uses safe materials from trusted U.S.-based labs.
To be sure that no questionable chemicals end up in your body, opt for a holistic dentist instead. Is this term new to you? Click here to learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry.

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Beyond “grid down” – Solar flares can also disrupt railway signaling systems and underground conduit pipes

Solar flares may negatively impact the planet’s power grids, railway systems, and underground pipelines through a phenomenon called geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), a recent study found. These effects may disrupt food logistics, manufacturing, electronic transactions and internet functions, experts warn.
To examine how solar storm-induced GICs affect the planet’s structures, scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) collaborated with heliospheric scientists, magnetospheric physicists, power engineers, and emergency management officials from various research institutions and industries during a pair of intensive week-long workshops in 2016.
According to researchers, the sun regularly ejects a stream of magnetic solar material called solar wind, as well as occasional huge clouds of solar material known as coronal mass ejections. The research team said these solar materials interact with the planet’s magnetic field, which in turn leads to temporary changes. As a result, geomagnetically induced currents are formed just under the planet’s surface.
The team also noted that long, thin, metal structures near the planet’s surface —  including underground railroads, power lines and pipelines — may serve as conductors for these GICs. This means that electric currents may easily travel underground, the researchers said. In effect, GICs may negatively affect all these structures, the experts added.

How GICs affect power systems, railways and pipelines

The research team cautioned that GICs may be more challenging to manage in affected power systems, as they require careful control of electric currents to keep the power on. According to the researchers, GICs from strong solar activities may also lead to voltage collapse. Voltage collapse can cause temporary blackouts in certain areas, and may affect various industries such as transportation, health care, and commerce. However, researchers noted that GICs were unlikely to cause major power system damages. (Related: Know more about the latest developments in space science at
“For permanent transformer damage to occur, there needs to be sustained levels of GICs going through the transformer. We know that’s not how GICs work. GICs tend to be much more noisy and short-lived, so widespread physical damage of transformers is unlikely even during major storms,” said Antti Pulkkinen, a Space Weather Researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
The study also found that GICs may interfere with railway signals. As per the research team, these railway signals typically operate on an automated closed/open circuit system, which determines whether a train is on the track. The study revealed that GICs may alter these signals, which in turn may prompt the system to detect a train when there is actually none. The study also showed that GICs flowing in pipelines may produce false signals. In turn, this may prompt pipeline workers to inspect otherwise normally functioning pipelines.
The team’s previous research on GCIs have lead to the adoption of new standards in preventing blackouts. In fact, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission now requires power companies to prepare for potential GIC disruptions.
The findings were published in the journal Space Weather.

Chinese study demonstrates how GCIs affect power grids

A Chinese study published in 2008 has shown how GCIs impact power grid operations. According to the researchers, unknown severe transformer vibration and increased noise have been noted in certain parts of Guandong, China when two power transmission lines — the Yang-Huai power transmission system and a 500 kV long-distance transmission line — started operating in 2001. To determine the mechanism behind the phenomena, the research team compared more than ten magnetic storms and examined data on transformer neutral currents. The experts then concluded GCIs caused the disturbances.
In addition, the research team also noted that GIC levels in Guangdong Power Grid was much higher compared with those of Yang-Huai power transmission system. However, grid structure and coast effect may have contributed to this, the experts said. The findings were published in the Chinese Journal of Geophysics.
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Genetic pollution harms organisms through 14 generations of offspring, stunning scientific study reveals

A new study has alluded to several shocking revelations about genetic engineering and raises many questions about the magnitude of harm that can be perpetrated by both genetic modification and changes to environment.
In the study, the researchers utilized genetically modified nematodes to analyze the effects of environmental change — but their study also revealed something more sinister: The impact of genetic modification. This recent research has shown that genetic modifications can persist and remain active throughout many generations. The transgenic nematodes were altered to contain a fluorescent protein. The team found that the protein became more active in a warmer environment, and that the more active state of the protein was passed on through multiple generations of nematode worms.
The findings, which were intended to demonstrate the effects of temperature shifts, also illustrate the fact that genetic engineering can have a lasting effect on a species — and also that even small changes in environment can have long-term impacts on animals and their offspring. Think about it: If just shifting temperature by a few degrees can affect genes, what are chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other toxins that are literally poured into our environment really doing — not just to us, but to every living thing these substances come into contact with? If just temperature can elicit changes that last for 14 generations, what are these far more damaging chemicals capable of doing?
Past research has shown that pesticides are also capable of leaving a lasting impact on the future. In fact, the negative effects of pesticides can be harmful to up to three generations. Pesticides are capable of turning certain genes on or off, through what is known as “epigenetics.” Basically, what your great-grandparents were exposed to could increase your own risk of certain diseases or conditions due to the changes in genetics caused by exposure to toxins.
In the same vein, genetic engineering can also persist throughout generations — and it can even expand from one “family” to another. Four years ago, Mike Adams reported on the genetic pollution of wheat crops in US states. GE wheat had escaped from so-called “field experiments” in 16 different states and polluted crops were found in Oregon. Further testing by the USDA revealed that the experimental GE wheat had infiltrated and polluted wheat crops in many other states.
As Mike Adams explains, “The spread of GM wheat from experimental fields to wheat production fields is proof that GMOs cause genetic pollution — self-replicating pollution with the potential to devastate global food production.”
This new study of nematodes emphasizes this by showing how genetic modifications can remain present and active for up to 14 generations beyond the initial GE organism — and with cross-breeding or cross-pollination, GE alterations could very well persist in the environment far beyond that. The finding that genetic alterations, or “transgenes,” can remain present for so long is devastating — and it shows that you really can’t “put the cat back in the bag,” as they say. Genetic engineering has opened a can of worms, and the effects seem to be more far-reaching than we could have ever imagined. (RELATED: Learn more about the dangers of genetic engineering at
Genetic pollution is a serious problem that is growing with every release of a GM product. Once organisms created through GE technology are released into the environment, there is no going back. These species — plant or animal– are capable of breeding with others and spreading their GE traits, and these traits clearly remain in the environment for multiple generations. And as Northwest Resistance Against Genetic Engineering explains, it is even possible that one GE organism could transfer their GE traits to other species, as well as their own. “For example, genes from GM crops, fish or trees may move into the gene pools of related species in the wild. The introduction of genetically engineered organisms into complex ecosystems may bring about effects that we are unable to control.”
GMOs, and the pesticides and fertilizers that accompany GE crops, are clearly capable of imposing grievous damage to the environment — and that damage can persist for many generations.

10 babies were infected with a superbug… and the hospital CONCEALED it from the parents and the public

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On March 26 of this year, a newborn at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Medical Center tested positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a superbug that cannot be treated with conventional antibiotics. According to hospital officials, the baby has since tested negative. However, it was revealed that the infant was one of 10 babies infected with MRSA between August 2016 and March 2017 while being treated in the neonatal intensive care unit.
All of the infants have been successfully treated and none have died, hospital officials said. John Murray, a hospital spokesman, has insisted that the infection was contained to a single unit and that no new uninfected babies have since been admitted to that ward.
The source of the virus has yet to be identified, reported the Although all 220 staff members have undergone preemptive measures to kill any potential MRSA bacteria, the outbreak continues. The most recent MRSA case was detected in March and involved four staff members testing positive for the virus; all four have since tested negative.
Of the outbreak among infants, county officials told the that they did not inform the public because they saw no evidence that the infants being treated the neonatal unit (NICU) of the UCI Medical Center were at higher risk than infants admitted anywhere else. “We do not have evidence that infants admitted to UCI’s NICU are at higher risk than infants admitted elsewhere, so a public notification would not serve to prevent or lower the risk of infection transmission [emphasis added],” stated Murray.
The outbreak only came to light after Marian Hollingsworth, a board member of California’s Healthcare Associated Infection Advisory Committee (HAI-AC), filed a complaint with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
According to Hollingsworth, she became aware of the outbreak in August after a friend who works in the UCI Medical Center complex informed her about it. “I’m a mom of four. I’d be outraged if no one told me. I think hospitals have a lot to learn yet about infection control, and everyone needs to be on it to help prevent it,” Hollingsworth said.
A state inspector visited the UCI Medical Center to investigate the outbreak on March 20, after Hollingsworth filed her complaint. The investigation was completed on April 3 and, in a letter to Hollingsworth, state officials found that the hospital had not broken any state or federal laws. In a statement, Hollingsworth noted that it appeared as though the UCI Medical Center and government officials were attempting to handle the outbreak internally.
Lisa McGiffert, Director of the Consumers Union Safe Patient Project, has commented that these kinds of outbreaks were oftentimes uncovered by the media or discussed in medical journals, but many were kept secret. McGiffer continued by saying that the public had the right to know about all outbreaks, as the disclosure would result in hospitals working harder to prevent any future infection incidents.
This wouldn’t be the first time hospital officials and staff failed to inform patients or the public about what was truly going on behind closed doors. In the same state, doctors attempted to hide the body of a baby who died after receiving eight vaccinations almost all at the same time. There have even been claims that the government has been helping hospitals cover up cases of superbug infections, because “Government authorities are clueless about how many infections there are, or how many patients are dying,” wrote Betsy McCaugher for (Related: Read more on hospital- and healthcare-related news by visiting
It’s like McGiffert told the “Patients have a right to know.”
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10 DEADLY chemicals cigarette manufacturers don’t want you to know about

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We all know smoking is bad for us, yet millions of people still smoke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 15 percent of Americans, or more than 40 million people, still light up a cigarette everyday. Compared to the 42 percent of the population that smoked in 1965, it seems like we are making some progress.
Despite all the efforts being made, smoking remains the number one cause of preventable death in the United States, killing some 443,000 Americans every year. As stated by the CDC, smoking kills more people than obesity, drug abuse, infectious disease, firearms, and traffic accidents.
But what exactly is it that makes cigarettes so bad for our health? While we all know about the addictive effects of nicotine, not many people realize that cigarettes contain more than 4000 other chemicals. Of these chemicals, at least 40 are known carcinogens, and 400 are proven to be toxic to some degree.
Are you a smoker? Let’s look at ten of the most toxic substances found in cigarettes. Hopefully, this article will make you think twice before lighting up your next cigarette.

1.      Benzene

In humans, benzene has been linked to leukemia or blood cancer, anemia, genetic damage, and excessive bleeding. It is one of the most basic chemicals used in the petrochemical industry and present in crude oil, gasoline, and pesticides. Cigarette smoke accounts for about half of the benzene exposure in the United States.

2.      Formaldehyde

Used to preserve dead bodies and kill microbes, formaldehyde can cause eye irritation and coughing, among other health-related issues for both smokers and passive (second hand) smokers.

3.      Tar

Tar, the black sticky compound added to road-making materials is also produced when tobacco is burned. It has been linked to cancer and turns your teeth yellow.

4.      Arsenic

Another dangerous, cancer-causing chemical found in cigarettes is arsenic. Arsenic can accumulate in the body over time. Since it can interfere with the body’s ability to repair DNA, it may also boost the effect of other health-damaging chemicals.

5.      Cadmium

Cadmium, also used in the production of batteries, is a toxic metal found in cigarettes. Not only has it been linked to cancer, but exposure to this chemical can also damage the kidneys and the linings of arteries.

6.      Chromium

You may know chromium from dyes, paints, and metallic alloys. When inhaled, this chemical acts as the glue between carcinogens and DNA, resulting in total DNA damage which may cause cancer or other health related issues.

7.      Hydrogen cyanide

Hydrogen cyanide is a known carcinogen that damages the cilia in the lungs. These hair-like structures line the airways and help clear toxins from the body. When these cilia get destroyed, toxins can enter the bloodstream more quickly via the lungs.

8.      Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide, or CO, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas released whenever fuel or cigarettes are burned. Tobacco smoke contains 3 to 5 percent CO. CO affects the whole body by binding to red blood cells, which results in less oxygen being transported throughout the body.

9.      Nitrogen oxide

Nitrogen oxide is a common air pollutant also found in cigarette smoke. It causes lung inflammation and heavy breathing in regular smokers.

10.  Ammonia

Ammonia, commonly found in many households to clean toilet bowls, is also found in cigarettes. In fact, ammonia is the chemical in cigarettes that enhances the addictive effect of nicotine.
These chemicals are only the tip of the iceberg. If we convinced you to quit this unhealthy habit, find more information and help at

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32 Celebrities who have gone vegan

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Every year, more people are choosing to live the cruelty-free life and go vegan, especially the young — and especially those in Hollywood. In fact, PETA even predicted that 2017 will be “The Year of the Vegan,” and cited over a dozen food trends that show veganism is hitting the mainstream in a big way. From smoked carrot lox to “root-to-stem” dining, there is a place for vegan entrees on every table. A plant-based diet can help promote good health, so it’s no surprise that the health-conscious younger generations are leading the pack when it comes to going vegan.
In 2015, a Nielsen Global Health and Wellness Survey revealed that younger Americans were more health conscious than their elders, and that Generation Z (people under age 20 at that time) were more attuned to concerns about GMOs and ingredients than any other generation. Nearly 40 percent of Gen Z were willing to spend more on groceries to go organic, as were 32 percent of millennials. Comparatively, just 21 percent of baby boomers were willing to spend more money on healthy foods.
Last year, The Guardian reported that the U.K. had seen a 350 percent increase in their vegan population since 2006 — a remarkable feat for such a short time period. Some of the reasons teens cited as being their cause for making the switch included concerns about the environment, animal welfare and sustainability. In their interviews, some of the teens also noted that they felt social media helped expand the concept of veganism, and one of the adolescents noted that Instagram made the diet and lifestyle look particularly appealing.
Going vegan is a choice many people make for health-related or ethical reasons, and celebrities are no different: countless celebrities have gone vegan. Woody Harrelson is even a vegan — and has been for over a decade. In fact, Harrelson was even named PETA’s Sexiest Vegan of 2012. While Harrelson is renowned for his tough-guy roles in movies like Zombieland, he’s also an outspoken activist for environmental concerns and animal rights. He’s even been credited with “turning” other Hollywood stars into vegans — like Liam Hemsworth, according to Bustle.
Some popular stars that you may or may not know as vegans include actors and musicians such as Ellen DeGeneres, Ariana Grande, Ellen Page, Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Joan Jett, Stevie Wonder, Pamela Anderson and Travis Barker. That is, by no means, a complete list.
Some lesser-known celebrities included on Bustle‘s list of vegans include musicians such as Sia, RZA, Mya, Wacka Flocka Flame, Morrissey, Dawn Richard and Moby.
For actors and actresses, Bustle reveals that there are many other vegans in the crowd, such as Evanna Lynch, Rooney Mara, Kate Mara, James Cameron, Peter Dinklage, Jessica Chastain, Alicia Silverstone, James Cromwell, Joaquin Phoenix, Mayim Bialik, Bellamy Young, Casey Affleck and Daniella Monet.
Al Gore and Russell Simmons also made it to the list of celebrities who are vegan. While they may not be musicians or actors, they are certainly well-recognized public figures.
Veganism is a lifestyle that many people have embraced — and if current trends continue, it seems that many more people will be participating in this way of life.

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Singing in the shower every morning will make you happy, experts say

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It’s time to awaken your inner rock star every time you get out of bed. In an article on, clinical hypnotherapist Dipti Tait and life coach Sam Sahota recommend singing in the shower as a great morning mood booster, naming it as one of seven healthy morning habits people must do daily. According to the article, singing in the shower is an easy, no-fail way to improve one’s mood and put one in a proper state of mind to charge into the day ahead.

Benefits of belting out

The benefits of singing have long been a matter of interest for scientists and musicians alike. Aside from the instant satisfaction one feels when they hit all the high notes, singing also has physical benefits — particularly for the cardiovascular system.
In an article on, Professor Graham Welch, Music Education Chair at the University of London, explained that as an aerobic activity, singing can increase oxygen in the blood stream.
Meanwhile, another study by researchers from the University of Gothenburg has found that singing also helps improve lung function to a degree. “Song is a form of regular, controlled breathing, since breathing out occurs on the song phrases and inhaling takes place between these,” study lead Dr. Bjorn Vickhoff said in an article on “It gives you pretty much the same effect as yoga breathing. It helps you relax, and there are indications that it does provide a heart benefit.”
In addition to the physical benefits, singing can also help improve one’s mental health by providing relief from stress. According to an article on, mental health experts also turn to the psychological benefits of singing by asking their patients to sing their negative thoughts out loud.
The medical power of singing is so great that it has even been found to help restore the speaking abilities of stroke patients. In a study done by researchers from the Harvard Medical School, patients who taught to put simple words to melodies were able to speak a full sentence in just one session.

More ways to make the most of your mornings

Of course, singing is not the only way to start the day right. Tait and Sahota named six other habits that can help anyone — from full-time employees to stay-at-home-moms — have a happier life.
Thinking of people you love may be one of the quirkier habits on the list, but it is no less beneficial. Doing so helps facilitate the release of oxytocin — the “love hormone” which helps decrease anxiety and increase empathy.
Reading is another unexpected morning habit mentioned by experts. Many studies have spoken about the benefits of reading. For instance, a story on cited a study by the Rush University Medical Center which found that reading and other intellectual activities helped slow cognitive decline in those who engaged in them. In other words, the act of reading helps the brain stay young.
Goal setting, according to Tait and Sahota, is also a great way to start the day. Writing down goals in the morning is like creating a blueprint for how the rest of your day will go.  Doing this can improve focus and productivity through out the day.
Meditation and exercise were also recommended as daily morning habits by the experts. Yoga — which involves both — was suggested as an ideal morning exercise. Known for being an efficient stress reliever, yoga also has physical effects that include weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and detoxification. The deep breathing it involves is also known to improve lung health, while the poses build strength and flexibility.
Finally, the experts pointed to an oldie (but goodie) when it comes to morning habits: drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. According to them, this can help re-hydrate your body and flush out toxins accumulated from the night before.
Learn more about which habits are healthy for you on
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