Sunday, May 21, 2017

Korean Beauty Secrets for Radiant Skin

Are you interested in some of the skin care secrets from Asia? Well, here is a list of Korean beauty secrets which will give you radiant and healthy skin.
The answer to this question comes from South Korea, where skin care is much more than a matter of aesthetics. Charlotte Cho in a book reveals the secrets of the routine followed by Korean women. Wearing a smooth, neat, hydrated skin it is a matter of habit. Follow these key tips contained in the Korean beauty secrets for glowing skin.

The double cleaning

Cleaning skin regularly is an essential step in Korean beauty. A Korean properly cleans the face because they know that it is the first step toward the ultimate goal: a bright, hydrated and smooth skin.
Make the double cleaning starting with cleansing oil. According to Korean beauty expert, such oils can be a godsend for oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin. You can use natural oils like olive oil or coconut oil, but are more likely you leave an oily residue. It is best to use cleansing oils specially developed and designed to emulsify and easily rinse with water.
The second cleaning should be done with water-based cleaner after you wash with cleaner oil. For this step you can use a cleansing gel or foam to wipe any sweat, or sweat undone.
Cleaning should be done correctly, first using a cleansing oil and then a gel to remove impurities and dirt from the skin. After these two steps, use a tonic as part of your routine in the morning and evening to assist the skin to absorb skin care products.


Remove excess skin cells helps moisturizers and other products get better absorbed. By not having to face a layer of dead cells, products can go directly to the epidermis, which means that your skin retain more moisture. Exfoliation can also help to stimulate collagen production, improve circulation and reduce fine lines. Do not limit yourself just to exfoliate the skin, do it with your whole body, you can get close to a spa to get in the hands of an expert.


When we talk about beauty, moisturized and firm skin is the most coveted attribute in South Korea. While Western society tends to focus on getting a skin matte appearance, Korean prepares and leaves skin to make it bright and shiny. Hydrated skin is the opposite of oily skin, it looks fresh look not greasy. Many South Koreans hydrate skin with facial sprays to combat dry air humidifiers.

Say goodbye to snuff

In South Korea it is considered taboo for women to smoke. How the snuff does affect your skin? Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and as the skin is the organ faces reduction in blood oxygen, it causes the skin cells become die. The cell regeneration is a slow in cigarette smokers causing premature aging process. So, it is best to quit cigarettes to make your skin will look better.

Sleep much

Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your skin. While resting, the body regenerates. When you sleep, blood flows into your skin and provides oxygen. It is the time when the skin regeneration takes places fixing any problems. In addition, during the hours of sleep, the amino acid molecules generate more collagen and fluids and toxins are drained.

Protect yourself from the sun

Sun protection is one of the main keys for Korean women when it comes to skin care, and if exposed to the sun, always do it with sunscreen against UVA rays, responsible for the appearance of unsightly wrinkles on the skin. Solar protection is an important part when it comes to a Korean skin care.

List of essential products

In the cosmetic bag Korean women carries essential products for daily use or timely manner. Take note of Korean beauty secrets for radiant skin. I mean what your skin needs to be always stay perfect: water-based cleaner, toner, peeling, blistering and serums, essences, moisturizer, mask, sunscreen, eye. These are some important products one must always use for protection and maintaining healthy skin.

Makeup is not essential

A beautiful skin without makeup is the choice of many because Korean women prioritize the facial care makeup. In other words, the skin imperfections are treated, they do not hide with makeup. However in parties or at special occasions they like doing puppy eye or cat eye for eye makeup. For lips makeup they usually like pink lips. For face Koreans prefer makeup to get dewy skin. It is to get water lighten skin for making skin glowing. A read blush to the cheek is also common in Korean beauty.

Skin care is not expensive

Health, and in this case the health of the skin is priceless, and it is not about spending more, but purchasing the products you really need.

Choose products by skin type

Besides the type of skin you have to take into account their needs. This is what will determine what the ideal product for skin is. This Korean beauty secret for radiant skin is very important to note because a person with either oily skin or dry skin should use the products suitable for the skin types. Using without knowing your skin type can harm your beauty.

Natural products and products with chemical preservatives

Betting on a combination of natural products and synthetic preservatives is not a problem for Korean women. In fact, the preservatives are added to cosmetic products are safe and serve to preserve better.

Using powders

If you have oily skin, you can dispense powders to eliminate shine of the skin, as it gives Korean women a more fresh and natural look.

Alternate products of different brands

No need to use the full range of products of the same brand, because as we noted is the skin type and needs that determine what suits us. Koreans choose the product for their properties and components, not the brand.

Antioxidant Diet

To complete the skin care routine you cannot forget that your health is also a reflection of what we eat, so when healthier it better. Following a balanced diet is the ideal way to maintain a healthy body. Avoid processed foods and eat more yogurt, vegetables, fish, fruits, whole grains and lean protein. An antioxidants diet prevents the effect of free radicals which accelerate aging of cells.

How to Remove Foot Odor Fast

Find the best way to remove foot odor fast in a week. These treatments and home remedies will help you permanently cure smelly feet and fungal problems.
Smelly feet are one of the problems that generate discomfort for who suffers it to the point that can severely limit their social relations. There are 250,000 feet sweat glands. This by itself is not the cause of odor, but when it comes in conjunction with the bacteria. There are different guidelines when it comes to prevent foot odor like to keep it clean, use some special products or home remedies.
Foot odor also called bromhidrosis, occurs by decomposition or alteration of sweat bacteria present in the area, due to the lack of light and becoming excessive perspiration releasing fatty acids and ammonia. This is what results in odor to this area. This problem can occur at any age and in both sexes equally, causing confidence problems with others and with oneself.

Causes of foot odor

The origin of the odor of the feet is very variable, however the expert point the most common causes are:
  1. It can be caused by using improper footwear or sweat sock that leaves the area, producing occlusion of the pores.
  2. Footwear should be of noble fabrics and should allow perspiration to the skin.
  3. There are also causes derived from the vegetative nervous system and cannot be controlled. The body itself produces a vagal discharge sweating moments of hyperactivity and nervousness.
  4. Another factor may be a bad foot support or playing sports in which it is not properly or sufficiently supported. Thus, under stress it releases sweat.
  5. Not washing your feet can also be a reasons behind foot odor.

How to prevent foot odor

Mainly, the smelly feet affects adolescence, when the sweat glands begin to have a greater predisposition to alter and change, producing excessive perspiration. How can you avoid the smell?

In the first place, who suffers this condition should go to an expert, who will perform a study to identify the causes of sweating in the area and will recommend to try medication and some products. Once the origin is identified and depending on each case, the doctor may proceed to take different measures adjusted to each. Besides medical treatment, you can also try some poplar home remedies to remove foot odor.
The phases to prevent foot odor begin with preventive medicine, good shoes and a good sock and then symptomatically, with soaps and astringents, such as talc, which regulates perspiration. Soaps should be anti-bacterial, they prevent the formation of bacteria causing the odor disappears.
Choose the right shoes: The shoes should encourage the foot to breathe properly. If you have many plastics and synthetic elements, such as certain sports, bacteria can accumulate. Nor should repeat the same shoes more than two days, since bacteria are not removed from the shoes.
Presence of fungi: It is one of the most common causes of bad foot odor. It should be noted if you notice fungi then consult a doctor. Getting rid of them will promote foot hygiene and help eliminate odor. The phenomenon of ‘athlete’s foot’ is a skin rash caused by fungi, making the skin between the toes becomes dry and cracked.
Stress and anxiety: There are two elements in everyday situations of many people and that activate the sweat glands, leading to hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating that occurs most often in the hands, feet, arms and head. It can also be caused by the side effect of a medication.
Socks: Avoid socks made with synthetic material, instead it is recommended to use natural materials such as wool and cotton. As in the case of shoes, synthetic components are those who favor that because sweat more.
How to wash your feet: Of course, it is essential to combat odor recommendation. The then be washed with soap and water, without forgetting the spaces between the fingers. Antibacterial soaps are recommended for feet.
Once completed this task, you can apply an exfoliating scrub and lastly baby powder to help remove dead bacteria that remain on his feet. It is important pay attention and clean the area between finger.

Treatments to remove foot odor

  1. Iontophoresis is another half to help eliminate foot odor quickly. This involves immersing the feet in a shallow tray filled with water and which emits a small voltage electric current for a short period of time. Currently they are creating more sophisticated and modern, such as endoscopic lumbar sympathectomy techniques.
  2. Anticholinergics, botox and surgery. A level of vagal nervous system drugs such as anticholinergics exist, which regulate the formation of sweat glands and can reduce sweating. Another technique frequently used are botox injections under the skin of the sweat glands responsible for excessive perspiration. The sessions will be held with a space of eight to ten months.
  3. When all the treatments described above have been tested and have not obtained results may be you can consider surgical treatment as a solution for excessive sweating. Depending on the individual circumstances of each patient, the sweat glands are removed and endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) will be held.

Home remedies to get rid of foot odor naturally

There are also natural measures that help remove foot odor permanently by reducing sweat and killing bacteria. If these home remedies don’t work then you can find products in pharmacies which may be useful for simple bromidrosis, but if severe it is advisable to make a podiatric medical treatment.
Apple cider vinegar: One of the most popular home remedies. It helps regulate the pH level and to eliminate the level of bacteria in the feet. Should be mixed in a bowl with hot water five tablespoons of vinegar and dip your feet in there for ten minutes.
Sodium Bicarbonate You can sprinkle a couple of tablespoons inside the shoes at night or apply them to a bowl of warm water and bathe your feet in it.
Ginger: A ginger root is cut and grated introducing in a saucepan with water to boil. The resulting liquid can be applied to the feet before going to sleep.
On the other hand, podiatrists also recommend controlling eating habits as eating garlic or onions gives sweat an unpleasant odor. Also, pay attention to seasonal periods, since perspiration in summer will be higher while in winter where body is less prone to sweating.

DIY Face Mask for Blackheads

Find the best diy face mask for blackheads which are easy to prepare and will give quick results. These diy peel off masks will remove unwanted defects over skin.
Today there are several masks that promise to remove your blackheads, but usually they are too expensive, difficult to use them and some do not really work. We help you to make your own diy face mask for blackheads with ingredients that truly help remove them.
But before going with the treatment, what exactly are blackheads? They are small black bumps or hair like structures which are a result of dead cells, sweat and sebum build up. They usually occur due to clogged pores and appear mainly on the nose, chin and forehead. People with combination and oily skin are the ones that have them. Removing blackheads can be easy if you know the right tricks and luckily I have compiled a few for you to put into practice.

DIY face mask for blackheads

One of the things that bother many women is to have those unsightly blackheads, especially because they often appear on the face. And whenever we see those black spots we try to press that area so that the blackheads are removed. However there are easy ways to remove them without pinching or do damage to your skin.

First pass steam

The steam is another home remedy that is great to remove blackheads. Take heated water in a bowl until steam is formed, and then placed over the face for facial skin to absorb it. Just make sure that you put yourself in a place where you can not burn your skin with water. Stay there 5-10 minutes and then tighten the areas around blackheads to eliminate them. Instead of using your fingers, you can tighten your skin around blackheads with two cotton balls.

DIY peel off mask to remove blackheads

What you need:
  • Activated carbon (capsules or tablets). You can get it in big pharmacies.
  • Non-toxic glue.
  1. If you get capsules, you should open them and dust the inside ingredient in a bowl. On the other hand if you got pills, you must crush them until a fine powder is formed. They are black so do not panic when you see it.
  2. Then you will have to mix the dust with some glue. It is important that the glue is not toxic as it is a product that we use on the skin and do not want to cause any disastrous effect.
  3. After you mix the ingredients well until everything is well stirred. You can get a test on hand to make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients and have no contraindications for the glue.
  4. Once you did the test, you can spread some of the mixture on your nose and face and let it dry to remove blackheads.
We recommend using it only in the nose and in the T-zone of your face or as where you have blackheads. You have to wait for it to dry and carefully you going to remove this mask off your skin.

DIY Vaseline Mask

For this technique you need Vaseline, a plastic container, a towel, hot water and two tissues.
Follow these 6 steps and say goodbye to blackheads:
  1. Take a shower with hot water to open the pores or pass hot water vapor to your face.
  2. Cover the area with Vaseline to put away blackheads.
  3. Now, cover the same area with plastic.
  4. Dip a towel in hot water and apply it on the plastic to keep warm.
  5. When the towel cools then remove it, Now it’s time to remove the plastic and use some petroleum jelly.
  6. Wrap your two indices in tissues and use them to press around blackheads. Do not use your nails!

DIY Pineapple mask for blackheads

The pineapple has moisturizing and cleansing properties that keep your skin free of fat and annoying blackheads, which often appear very often around nose. If we add the properties of honey to pineapple, your skin will be clean, clear and glowing.
  • ½ cup pineapple juice.
  • 2 tablespoons honey.
In a bowl mix the pineapple juice with two tablespoons of honey until everything is well blended.
Before applying the mask, thoroughly clean the skin of your face with a cloth, spread the mixture and then leave on for 15 minutes. Finally wash with warm water and repeat this treatment at least 2 times per week.

Yogurt mask

One of the most effective remedies to remove blackheads is to prepare this fantastic mask of yogurt, cucumber and parsley. Put in blender two tablespoons of natural yogurt, a sprig of parsley and cucumber half into pieces. Grind until you see a smooth paste formed and apply on the face. Let act 15 minutes and then remove with warm water.

Gelatin Mask

Another very useful is this mask of unflavored gelatin and milk. Pour into a bowl a tablespoon of milk and other unflavored gelatin, stirring until a paste is formed. Heat it for 10 seconds in the microwave and apply to the face near the parts where there are blackheads. Let it act 10 minutes and remove with your hands, as it will remain as a gel. Finally clean it with warm water.

Lemon mask

To make this mask you need to mix some lemon juice with one tablespoon of almond oil and glycerin. You must apply it every night. Let act 15 minutes and remove with warm water. The natural acids in lemon will help unclogged and clear the blackheads from the pores.

Blackhead removal scrub

To remove blackheads you can prepare this scrub of honey and cinnamon. Four teaspoons of honey mixed with cinnamon and stir until you have a smooth paste. Apply specifically in areas where blackheads are and you do not remove it until it is dried completely. Do this for two weeks and see that the results are very good.

Oat Smoothie

Oat mask is very effective to remove blackheads fast. Shred in the blender a cup of oatmeal until it takes the form of powder, add half a cup of warm water and stir until a smooth paste. Apply to the face and let dry thoroughly, then rinse with warm water.

Apple mask

The last trick is using apple mask for which you need take half apple with its peel and remove the seeds. Put it in a blender with a tablespoon of lemon juice and apply the resulting paste all over your face. Let sit for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.

DIY Homemade Coffee Scrub for Cellulite

Find an easy diy coffee scrub recipe for removing cellulite quickly. This homemade scrub will help you permanently treat your cellulite on thighs.
Eliminating cellulite is almost impossible for many women who have tried all sorts of products and treatments. However, to achieve this we must consider different factors that can influence this aesthetic problem and there is a step we cannot forget is exfoliation. In this article we give the recipe to make your own organic, natural and homemade diy mask for cellulite with coffee grounds and peppermint essential oil scrub. This will help you get rid of cellulite once and for all.

Tips to Remove Cellulite Fast

Although genetics in some women is the culprit behind cellulite, but we can ensure that this diy coffee scrub for cellulite can eliminate this problem. Here we consider all the factors and provide you the tips that can that influence their occurrence:

Food: We should eliminate sugars, hydrogenated fats and refined flours from our diet. In turn, increase the consumption of fresh vegetables, healthy fats and whole grains.Sedentary
lifestyle: It is essential to avoid too many hours sitting and exercise at least four times a week for good blood circulation.
Bad habits: We will avoid the snuff and alcoholic beverages.
Hydration: It is essential to drink enough water throughout the day, starting always on an empty stomach without food in the morning.
Care: We must get used to a healthy routine to take care of our body that includes daily hydration, weekly exfoliation and cold showers.
Hormonal issues: We often say that genetics is when has to do with hormonal irregularities. If this is your case, we recommend that you go to a good specialist to regulate the hormonal system with supplements and natural therapies.

DIY Coffee scrub for cellulite

The homemade exfoliating scrub presented is very easy to make and only need three natural ingredients. So, we saved the use products containing synthetic chemicals, preservatives or other components that could be harmful to skin and health in general. Here are the ingredients and the method to prepare this homemade coffee scrub to eliminate cellulite.
Coffee grounds:
What’s more environmentally friendly than using coffee grounds to make a scrub at home? The grounds, besides having the perfect grittiness to fulfill ourselves a good massage also contain caffeine. This makes it a great natural scrub clean dead cells and impurities on skin. This component is very effective to eliminate cellulite when massage over the area. For these benefits we always recommend using regular coffee, not decaffeinated.
The essential oil of peppermint:
Among all essential oils, many of which they are suitable for treating and removing cellulite, but for this scrub recommend peppermint oil. This activates the metabolism, stimulates circulation and produces a cooling effect naturally. If you are very sensitive to cold or if you live in extreme cold weather regions then we recommend replacing peppermint oil by ginger or cinnamon, which produce a warm feeling. We must use pure essential oil and not confuse it with synthetic essences for flavoring, as these have no therapeutic property.
Vegetable oil:
Vegetable oils allow us to nourish the skin deeply and provides skin with vitamins and minerals. Dilute the pure essential oils so that it does not irritate our skin due to its high concentration. In addition, this scrub that we choose will allow us to exfoliate and moisturize the skin at a time, which is essential to have an elastic skin without cellulite or stretch marks.

How to prepare DIY Coffee scrub?

Here is the list of ingredients along with their quantity required to make this scrub at home.
  1. 5 tablespoons of coffee already used (coffee grounds) (50 g).
  2. 15 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  3. 2 tablespoons vegetable oil of your choice (almond, olive, coconut, sesame, etc.) (30 g).
  1. First we collect enough vegetable oil with essential oil.
  2. Add the coffee and mix well.
  3. Then we will introduce it in an airtight bag in the freezer.

How do we use?

It is better to use this scrub when you are in the shower. Before getting into the shower, you can use a dry brush to stimulate blood flow and eliminate dead cells. Gently brush on cellulite areas with circular movements.
We will take out of the bag because, when frozen, it will become a kind of exfoliating stone. We massage it making circles affected areas with medium pressure. We’ll do it on damp skin for a couple of minutes and then we will clarify with water. The skin will be nourished, smooth, fresh and hydrated. We can take this peel once or twice a week. After each use we can again retain the exfoliating stone inside the bag in the freezer.
Caffeine is one of the best home remedy to get rid of cellulite naturally, because it provides antioxidants when applied on the skin, and leaves a tightening effect. With this recipe you will have the benefits of caffeine, plus you moisturize skin as it is combined with natural oils for an extra very relaxing effect.
Now you know how to prepare your own anti-cellulite scrub at home, but never over do this treatment. Once this scrubbing on the thighs is over, use a moisturizing lotion on this area. This will help in improving the skin firmness and with everyday use, the cellulite will start disappearing.

How to Use Baking Soda for Skin Whitening

Do you want to use any natural home remedy to get clear face? Now you can use baking soda for skin whitening and lightening any scars and dark spots on face.
Baking soda works for skin whitening by using exfoliation process to remove dead skin cells and give a chance for new brighter cells to appear. Baking soda is a non-expensive, non toxic but mild abrasive with no bleaching properties skin whitening home remedy. It can be used to whiten dark skin or dark spots on your skin. It consists of fine particles that make it easy for baking soda to be used as a scrub in the exfoliation process especially on soft and gentle skin on the face.
When we are surrounded by acidic environment, it favors the growth of acne or pimple to grow on our skin. Baking soda on the other hand has alkaline pH that helps to balance out the acidic pH of the environment without disturbing the skin pH level. By using this, it further helps to prevent future acne occurrences. One can even use baking soda to lighten skin tone on the entire body, if one just knows how to use it. And so here we are with the ways you can use baking soda to whiten your skin.

Using Baking Soda for Skin

Baking soda for skin whitening is an inexpensive, natural and quite effective way to help your skin. You can create many different baking soda facials by using water or any other natural cleansers to help whiten your skin. Mentioned below are some of the best ways to use baking soda for skin whitening, you may go through it and see if any of this works for you.

Baking Soda with Water

The tiny particle in baking soda helps it to remove the dead skin cells from your skin and expose the new and bright skin cells. Hence, it works in lightening your skin tone so naturally.
Make a mixture using baking soda and water with 2 parts baking soda and 1 part water and mix it well. Apply this mixture on you face and on the darkened areas. Then massage it gently in slow and circular motion for a couple of minutes before leaving it on for another couple. After, wash it off with lukewarm water first and then with cold water and pat it dry using a soft cloth or tower. Do this every alternate day and you will see the change in your skin tone and dark spots. You can also add some essential oil like coconut oil or tea tree oil to help deal with minor irritation cause during exfoliation. Rosewater, almond milk or buttermilk can also be used instead of plain water.
Another way to use baking soda for skin whitening is to take a baking soda bath. You can add a cup or two of baking soda in your bath tub and lay in it for 10 minutes and then wash yourself properly. Do this every alternate day to see the change on your entire body.

Baking Soda with Honey

Honey is one of the natural ingredients best for skin. It fights bacteria, helps tighten skin pores, protects against sun damage and moisturizes skin. And baking soda on the other hand helps to reduce redness caused by acne breakouts and exfoliates skin. Therefore, the combination of two would surely be good against darks spots and dark skin.
Take a teaspoon of baking soda and half teaspoon of raw organic honey and prepare a proper paste with it. Use this paste to apply on the affected skin and massage it gently in slow circular motion. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water first and then with cold water then pat it dry. Do this once a week to see the best result. One can even add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil in the mixture if need be.

Baking Soda with Lemon

Lemon juice contains Vitamin C and acts as a bleaching agent against the dark spots on your skin. Make a mixture including a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoon of warm water. Apply this mixture on the affected areas and leave it for 5 minutes max. You may also add a couple drops of olive oil or any other essential oil. Do this every alternate day to see the change. One can also replace lemon juice with grapefruit juice or no pulp orange juice.

Baking Soda with Yogurt, Lemon Juice and Egg

Egg and Yogurt helps to tighten the pores to help prevent further acne and to reduce dark spots. It also helps to whiten your skin as lactic acid in yogurt dissolves the dead skin cells and tighten the pores.
Wash your face first and pat it dry. Now using 2 tablespoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 egg and a quarter cup of low fat, non flavored plain yogurt make a mixture. Apply this on the affected areas of your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Remember to wash it off, first with lukewarm water and then with cold water. Pat it dry and then immediately apply moisturizer to your face and other affected areas. Repeat this once or twice a week to see the appropriate results.

Baking Soda with Tomato

Baking soda exfoliates the skin while tomato cools it down and neutralizes the surface to give you glowing skin.
Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with freshly squeezed tomato juice. Stir it properly to make a proper paste. Apply this paste as a face mask to your face and leave it for 15 minutes. After wash it with lukewarm water and then splash your face with cold water. Repeat this process every alternate day to see the change in your skin. NOTE: One may replace tomatoes with strawberries and do the same process to have a clean and glowing skin.

Things to Remember

With every natural or chemical treatment there are some dos and don’ts to consider. So, here are some things one should look out for when using baking soda to whiten their skin tone.
  1. Before using any treatment, one must do a trial. Similarly when using baking soda you must do a trial by using it on only small area of your skin to see if it causes any irritation or itching and if does then wash it immediately and if it doesn’t then you may continue with the treatment.
  2. Never apply baking soda mixture on the sensitive areas like on the skin of eyes as it may cause a lot of irritation.
  3. Avoid using baking soda on sunburns, cuts, bruises, sores or any other type of damaged skin as it could cause irritation.
  4. And when starting this treatment, start by using less amount of baking soda and then you may gradually increase the amount as you need.
  5. Never forget to moisturize your skin after any of these treatments as baking soda makes your skin dry.
  6. You might want to check your health regimen before including baking soda for your skin in your routine as pure baking soda contain some amount of salt and for someone of strict low sodium health regimen this is not good.
  7. Never use a left over baking soda pack, try and always make a fresh pack for skin treatment.
  8. And don’t overdo it as it dries your skin.
  9. Remember to consult with your dermatologist first before undergoing any type of home remedial treatment.
  10. Take special care when using baking soda especially when using it on face.
  11. Lastly, one must drink lots of water, exercise regularly, avoid stress and follow a proper skin regimen to get a proper clean and bright skin.

Pesticide Cleanse

What Is A Pesticide Cleanse?

We all live in a neighborhood, town or city, where millions of pounds of toxic pesticides and herbicides are sprayed everywhere we go. Pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on lawns, parks, schools, baseball fields, soccer fields, football fields, bushes, weeds, farms, and everywhere else you see grass or dirt, plus all the chemtrails that fall to the earth every day contaminating everything it touches, too and let’s not forget all the electropollution, which gives off more radiation than most care to know.
All this toxic contamination all around us every day of our lives has seriously contributed to the now sickest generation ever. Never before now has there ever been so much chronic pain, chronic inflammation and of course so much chronic illness. Never has there even been so many autoimmune diseases, either.
And while the drug makers are profiting the most from the ever growing autoimmune disease epidemic, you are left wondering what you can do to strengthen your immune system and finally retrieve the health you once had or maybe never had but want to have. There is only one way to clean out years, decades of toxic accumulation from pesticides, herbicides, mercury, radiation and everything else that accumulates in every cell of your body every day of your life — Pesticide Cleanse! (as a verb) Yes, you should Pesticide Cleanse every day, and not for just a few days and stop, like every other cleanse or detox product out there you find.

Aren’t Cleanses Only For A Few Days?

Yes, because the cleanses and detoxes out there, from the popular ones to the unpopular ones, contain pesticides and/or GMOs, so yes, you shouldn’t do any of them more than a few days. Actually, you shouldn’t do any cleanse or detox that contains any ingredient that isn’t guaranteed 100% pesticide-free and 100% GMO-free and definitely no pills, since pills do not come from the ground, pills come from laboratories where health can never exist, let alone a powerfully healthy cleanse you can do every day for the rest of your life. Plus even if any of the cleanses and detoxes out there were somehow absolutely 100% organic, you’d have a really hard time finding any cleanse or detox that also contains enough real, easily assimilated protein that can sustain you every day throughout your whole cleanse. In other words, a cleanse that not only cleanses you daily, but also nourishes your whole body at the same time, better than any meal you could ever buy from any store or even cook for yourself. This powerfully healing cleanse that also nourishes you, certainly doesn’t exist on any store shelf anywhere in the world. Can you imagine what would happen if millions of people here suffering from an autoimmune disease got a hold of this Pesticide Cleanse that is healthy and nourishing enough to become your permanent Pesticide Cleanse? The drug makers would lose billions of dollars daily. Oh wait..they almost already are!

How Exactly Do I Pesticide Cleanse Daily?

It’s quite simple actually. First, you must decide which meal of the day you would like to replace with your Pesticide Cleanse. Most people decide to replace their breakfast every day with their Pesticide Cleanse, because as you know, your breakfast is the most important meal of the day and sets the tone for your energy all day long. If you don’t eat breakfast at all or only drink coffee for your breakfast, then starting your day off especially with a truly powerfully nourishing breakfast that also cleanses you daily, I hope you know is absolutely vital for your health and longevity. Second, you must decide to never stop, at least until your immune system has finally fully recovered and you no longer feel all those terrible autoimmune disease symptoms. It’ll take only a few days to start feeling stronger, but could take several weeks or months to start feeling real, permanent improvement, because how consistent you are and how weak your immune system has become, determines the speed of your improvement. But rest assured, the longer you Pesticide Cleanse, the longer you continue to improve.

How Does A Real Pesticide Cleanse, Cleanse Me Permanently?

There is only one way your Pesticide Cleanse can continue to nourish you and continue to cleanse you daily — consistency! You didn’t develop any autoimmune disease or any symptom overnight — this took your body years, sometimes decades to develop. Well, the same goes for the other way, too, but at least you won’t have to wait around for years or decades to finally recover your healthy and strong immune system, because Pesticide Cleansing daily actually works very fast compared to how long it takes to damage your immune system enough to develop any autoimmune disease. But the Pesticide Cleanse must both nourish your whole body, especially at a cellular level AND be powerful enough to cleanse you daily, too. That’s why a truly healthy Pesticide Cleanse is nourishing enough to also replace your breakfast every day and is even safe for anyone pregnant or nursing.
As I always say…
“if you’re not cleansing, you’re accumulating.”


The truth about GMOs

About a year or so ago, Dr. Michael Antoniou, Claire Robinson and Dr. John Fagan, of Earth Open Source, wrote an extensive report about the myths and truths of GMOs.
Because of all the lies and propaganda thrust upon us by the biotech industry and their “hookers” on an almost daily basis it seems apparent that we examine the Earth Open Source findings once again.
What we are lead to believe by GM crop industry are:
*They are a part of the natural breeding process and are no different than naturally bred crops.
*They are not only safe to eat but more nutritious than naturally bred crops.
*They are regulated for safety (by the Obama appointed former biotech employees and lobbyists to key government positions).
*Crop yields are increased.
*They reduce the use of pesticides (and they say that with a straight face).
*That farmers are benefitted and their lives are made easier (yeah, I guess when a farmer commits suicide because he/she cannot afford to buy seeds every year they have nothing more to worry about).
*They bring economic benefits (by inflating the biotech bank accounts).
*They benefit the environment (by polluting the land and creating super weeds and bugs that thrive on glyphosate and 2-4-D (Agent Orange) ).
*They can help solve problems caused by climate change.
*Reduce energy use.
*Will help feed the world, (make the people sicker and increase the profits of Big pHarma).
I’m sure that just about every one of us has heard these deceptions. Fortunately, Earth Open Source presented scientifically documented information to the contrary. I might add that 800 independent scientists worldwide, not connected to the biotech industry, concur strongly.
Okay, let’s take a look at the researched evidence to the contrary regarding GMOs:
*GMO crops are laboratory-made and the technology used resembles nothing used
in natural breeding methods and poses severe health ramifications not
associated with non-GMO crops.
*GMOs can be more toxic, allergenic, and less nutritious than natural foods.
*GMO safety is not adequately regulated.
*Yield potential is not increased.
*Farmers can look forward to herbicide-tolerant “super weeds”, compromised
soil quality, and increased disease susceptibility in crops.
*Have mixed economic effects.
*GMOs harm soil quality, disrupt ecosystems, and reduce bio-diversity.
*GMOs do not offer effective solutions to climate change.
*GMOs are as energy-hungry as any other chemically-farmed crops.
*GMOs not only cannot solve world hunger problems but can distract from its
real causes of poverty, lack of access to food, and lack of access to land to
grow it on.
“Based on the evidence presented in this report – “GMO Myths and Truths: An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops’ -, there is no need to take risks with GM crops when effective, readily available, and sustainable solutions to the problems that GM technology is claimed to address already exist. Conventional plant-breeding, in some cases helped by safe modern technologies like gene mapping and marker assisted selection, continues to out-perform GM in producing high-yield, drought tolerant, and pest and disease-resistant crops that can meet our present and future food needs”.
Michael Antoniou, PhD is a reader in molecular genetics and head, Gene Expression and Therapy Group, King’s College London School of Medicine, London, UK. He has 28 years’ experience in the use of genetic engineering technology investigating gene organization and control, with over 40 peer reviewed publications of original work, and holds inventor status on a number of gene expression biotechnology patents. Dr Antoniou has a large network of collaborators in industry and academia who are making use of his discoveries in gene control mechanisms for the production of research, diagnostic and therapeutic products and safe and efficacious human somatic gene therapy for inherited and acquired genetic disorders.
Claire Robinson, MPhil, is research director at Earth Open Source. She has a background in investigative reporting and the communication of topics relating to public health, science and policy, and the environment. She is an editor at GMWatch (, a public information service on issues relating to genetic modification, and was formerly managing editor at SpinProfiles (now
John Fagan, PhD is a leading authority on sustainability in the food system, bio-safety, and GMO testing. He is founder and chief scientific officer of one of the world’s first GMO testing and certification companies, through which he has pioneered the development of innovative tools to verify and advance food purity, safety and sustainability. He co-founded Earth Open Source, which uses open source collaboration to advance sustainable food production. Earlier, he conducted cancer research at the US National Institutes of Health. He holds a PhD in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology from Cornell University.
Something to ponder: if GMOs are so safe, so nutritious, and pose no adverse risk to the environment, why does Monsanto and all the bio-tech hookers spend so much money to keep us from knowing we are eating GMOs? One would think they would all push for labeling because if it’s as good as they say it is, then there would be GMO shortages all over the place because people could not get enough.
To get them out of the body you would need to go through a detox process. The best for that are organic sulfur crystals, which can be red about at

Whale Stranding Cover up by the Military and Oil Companies

The Admirals knew of the whale stranding’s in the 1950’s,  that submarine commanders and that the oil industry seismic survey teams often killed whales with high powered nose cone sonars often just for sport! Scientists should have exposed the cover up a long time ago!
The US Navy and oil industry were afraid that US Congress might grant their wish. As mentioned above, the Navy and oil industry had been secretly killing millions of cetaceans with underwater dynamite used in ship shock trials, towed long-range underwater sonar systems, high-powered sonar in the nose cone of submarines, dynamite used to explore for oil, circular dynamite charges used to blow the legs out from under obsolete oil drilling platforms, and massive charges used for undersea construction projects. Not to mention all the underwater nuclear explosions starting in 1946.
Greedy whale scientists turn a blind eye to the obvious because money corrupts everything it touches! These crooked bastards sell out the very mammals they pledge to save. How will they explain this to their grandchildren when the truth final comes out? Every whale scientists in the world should hang their heads in shame! Even if they did not take part in the cover-up personally, they have known about it and should have revealed the scam years ago!
The shocking five-decade-long cover-up of the whale beaching mystery is all about dancing around the truth. To protect their money source, whale scientists offer hundreds of nonsensical reasons to answer the whale beaching mystery.
And the crooked media publishes it as fast as they can.
Just say a prayer for our whales and kiss them goodbye!
Whales use sonar or echolocation to navigate! When their built in systems are interrupted by Navy blasting, you may as well consider that whale “dead”!
Whales flee from the loud military sonar used by navies to hunt submarines, new research has proven for the first time. The studies provide a missing link in the puzzle that has connected naval exercises around the world to unusual mass strandings of whales and dolphins.
Unusual mass strandings, where multiple species of whale and dolphin beach at several locations at once, have soared since the introduction of military sonar in the 1950s and can be fatal. The strandings occur every year!
Today we are getting a much clearer picture, and it may mean throwing out what we’ve been programmed to believe about fossil fuels, CO2 emissions and global warming being the main culprit killing our oceans and planet. Now, according to research by the Marine Pollution Bulletin and others, we can add glyphosate, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready herbicide, to the top of the list.

Non GMO vs. Organic

When you’re shopping at your favorite health food store and you’re checking each label before you buy it, you will often see the “Non GMO Verified” seal on the label and feel assured you aren’t eating any GMOs.

But That Doesn’t Mean You Aren’t Still Eating Toxic Pesticides

Before the very first “Non GMO Verified” seal appeared on the very first product label and even more so after it appeared on the first product label, pesticides are still sprayed everywhere, millions of tons each year, in fact, are sprayed into the ground and now sprayed into our skies above us, too!
What’s The Difference Between A GMO And A Pesticide?
A GMO is just like spraying toxic pesticides directly on the plants, but even worse, because that plant has also been genetically altered to grow the toxic pesticides inside the plant DNA. For this reason, there are now serious pesticide-resistant insects roaming farmlands all across the country that literally ignore both directly sprayed pesticides and of course GMO plants alike, so what have these Farmers done to stop this serious devastation? They spray more! You definitely don’t have to be a scientist to know that is just plain unwise.
But we see this same reasoning with our “sick-care system” where forcing everyone to pay for “sick insurance” has only worsened chronic illness, not helped prevent it at all. Probably because the very toxic and dangerous treatments used to treat the symptoms of pain and illness are now being paid for more, so more people have access to these dangerous treatments that injure and kill them faster.

If I See The “Non-GMO Verified” Seal, Does That Mean There Are No Pesticides?

Heavens no! It just means instead of eating GMOs, you are eating pesticides. Is that better? Is that healthier? I don’t think so. Just because there’s a seal that says “No Rat Poison”, does that mean the product is now healthy? You must use your common sense to rise above the tricky labeling used on products these days.
If you see both the “Non-GMO Verified” seal and the “Organic” seal, then you can be 95% sure there aren’t any pesticides or GMOs. Why only 95% sure? Because the United States Organic Certification does not require any food or product to be sold as 100% Pesticide-Free and 100% GMO-Free, just 95% Pesticide-Free and 95% GMO-Free to receive the “Organic” seal. In other words, you can still be eating or drinking 5% pesticides or GMOs and still call it organic!
That doesn’t sound too bad because it’s still mostly organic.”
I’ve heard this reasoning out there, but it doesn’t stand up to logic, therefore it’s untrue. For example, if rat poison is classified as a pesticide, which it obviously is since a rat is definitely considered a pest, would you be OK eating or drinking just 5% of it, because 95% of it is Pesticide-Free or 95% of it is GMO-Free? Yes or No? If you answered No, then congratulations, your common sense has saved you from becoming a victim of life-long illness.
If you buy anything in a package, you must read the label to make sure the word “organic” is in front of every single ingredient, especially if there are any “other ingredients” below the nutritional facts panel, otherwise, it’s too contaminated for you to receive any real nutritional benefit. Yet even if you make sure every ingredient states “organic” in front of every single ingredient, this is still not a guarantee that the organic product you buy is 100% Pesticide-Free or 100% GMO-Free, it just means that every ingredient is 95% Pesticide-Free and 95% GMO-Free.
For this reason, it’s vital you and everyone in your family does the Pesticide Cleanse daily to prevent chronic pain and chronic illness, even if you do eat and drink absolutely only organic every day.
As I always say…
if you’re not cleansing, you’re accumulating.


The Amazing Grace of Ancient Wisdom

Over time, I, like so many other contemporary people, have been plagued by fatty liver, insulin resistance, high homocysteine and gouty arthritis.
Every time my blood results came back out-of-the-ordinary, my ferritin scores (which indicate the level of our iron stores) would be in the high end of the so-called normal range.
And every time I would ask my doctor, and I have had a few … a rheumatologist, pathologists, gastroenterologists, an endocrinologist, even a homeopath, about the relevance of my observation, they would simply scoff in contempt and would bluntly tell me that my iron stores were within normal levels and, in any event, iron has absolutely nothing to do with my ailments …
I could almost hear them thinking “…heaven forbid, how dare a common layperson to have a medical view, how dare he question our knowledge…”.  Not to mention of course that no one had the decency or the interest to possibly look it up nor indeed to try to connect the various ailments I was faced with.
I am pretty sure that most of you out there have common stories to tell.  Alas, this is our conventional wisdom.  Mocking, and obviously disregarding, whatever falls outside the well-defined mechanistic medical conventions.  Which means, by deduction, that we are offered no real remedies to the maladies faced by our modern way of life, other than the well-known, and not very economical, “killer” drugs.
So I took it upon myself to get to the root of my health problems.  I made it my quest to thoroughly investigate my health challenges, I made it my personal quest to become healthy, the way divine wisdom designed us to be.  I put myself in the center of my health responsibility, as each and every one should be.  Real health will not make friends with us unless we conscientiously take personal responsibility of our well-being.
Simple but life-changing lifestyle changes… A nutritional programme whereby simple carbs and sugars have been severely reduced, a supplement protocol with specifically targeted vitamins, minerals and herbs, a modest high intensity interval and weight training plan, and guided mental imagery have all been combined to good effect in dealing with my fatty liver, my insulin resistance and my homocysteine levels.
I am now in the midst of bringing my high uric acid levels under control without the use of drugs, which were universally proposed by all medical doctors I saw.  Instead, I am using natural substances and extracts … silymarin, nettle, celery seed, bee propolis, bromelain, cherry extract, olive leaf extract, folate and vitamin C.
The intensity of my investigation into all matters natural, all matters healthy, has been fuelled by the hubris and ignorance I was faced with by most of the medical profession.  And, bingo, here is the research which combines fatty liver, insulin resistance, homocysteine and gouty arthritis, yes, you ‘ve guessed it, with excess iron…. Exciting stuff!!
And there is much more research out there …  Implicating excess iron, which is really prevalent among most men and post-menopausal women, with other modern day epidemics such as senile dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, shortening of telomeres, aging and destruction of cells.
Guiding certain experts to meekly suggest the ancient medical system of blood-letting as a cure for many of society’s present-day diseases.  And there’s no simpler, and cheaper for that matter, way of curing ourselves than humble blood donation!  For those who, for any reason, are not in a position to donate their blood, there are natural iron chelators such as IP6 (phytic acid from rice bran, or, inositol hexaphosphate), quercetin and curcumin.   Everything though at fine balance; too much of anything almost typically leads to other imbalances.  By way of indication, too much of a ketogenic diet may lead, for example, to metabolic acidosis and may trigger a gout flare up, and too much of phytic acid ingestion in the form of rice bran may lead to a chelation effect of essential trace minerals leading to severe bodily deficiencies.
The amazing grace of ancient wisdom in its grandiose best!  We can only but look upon ancient wisdom in awe.
Now is the time to take personal responsibility for our own health.  By making the power of knowledge the epicenter of our health and healing.